Kerensky's Coup: When Stefan Amaris offers Kerensky the chance to serve under him - he accepts. While the Usurper secretly plots Kerensky's assassination, the old man kills the First Lord first and assumes control of the Star League. The Rim Worlds Republic is shattered quickly as the SLDF units don't have to fight their way into the Hegemony. The Star League never dies.
The last scene of Endgame is Katrina and Victor sleeping with each other. (Oh come on, you've all suspected that she secretly loved him…)
Kai Allard-Liao slips into an Elemental suit to prepare to do battle, but can't use it because it's too damn big (LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO WORK?). He climbs out and is squashed like a bug under the footpad of a Clan Vulture.
Nicholas Kerensky proposes the idea of the Clans and is then sedated and locked up. "Single combat when I have a fully company of 'Mechs at my disposal, what in the hell is he thinking? Give up sex to reproduce using iron wombs? And what is up with all that babbling about Smoke Jaguars? What's he been smoking?"
The Inner Sphere is invaded by giant intelligent chicken creatures. They are not only wiped out, but served as dinner to victors. (Courtesy of Colonel Wayne Waco Rogers Roasters)
The "What if I had a Jihad and no one showed up?" scenario. At the outbreak of the Jihad Outreach is reduced to radioactive slag. Only problem, Wolf's Dragoons isn't there. Uh oh. They got intel on the strike and moved against Terra. Double uh oh. The Dragoons shatter the Word of Blake there and declare themselves at the ilClan.
The "Liao isn't as dumb as he looks," scenario. Mad Max Liao, suspicious of the wedding of Melissa Steiner and Hanse Davion - orders his military to invade the Federated Suns at the time of the wedding reception. They catch the Davion forces on their staging worlds, unprepared, and inflict massive casualties. The Federated Suns crumbles, ill-equipped for a defense.
Jerome Blake IS The Master. Using lost Star League tech, Blake's brain is put in a cybernetic body and never steps down as the head of ComStar. None of the religious mumbo jumbo ever becomes part of the ComStar culture. ComStar essentially becomes a very big powerful corporation with its own army. When the Jihad happens, its is ComStar putting an end to the Succession Wars.
When Victor-Steiner Davion denies Trent a chance to command, Trent kills him. "Any last words Mighty Mouse?"
Kahn Ward is attacked by a marauding band of giant intelligent chicken creature which peck him to death.
Primus Waterly named the First Lord of a new Star League. Her plan to cripple communications works (Operation Scorpion,) bringing the Federated Commonwealth to its knees, then the rest of the Inner Sphere follows. She kills Focht and establishes herself as the First Lord of a new Star League.
House Liao's ultimate betrayal. During the Clan invasion, House Liao strikes at House Marik and Davion, taking out manufacturing centers. Without arms coming in, the Clans crush the other houses and Sun-Tzu Liao has backed a winner, earning him a place of honor in the court of the Star League.
The Outbound Light doesn't find the Clans, they find the Wolverines. The Wolverines tip off the Inner Sphere about what happened to Kerensky's children. The Inner Sphere unites out of fear and armed with the intel given by the Wolverines - leads as preemptive strike into Clan space.
Vlad kills Phelan Kell. There should be more to this but just nurse it for a moment. Ahh…
Devlin Stone is the son of Frederick Steiner (Focht) and Myndo Waterly. She wasn't killed, but has been the true force behind ComStar all along. I know - scary...
Snord's Irregulars launch a surprise attack on Terra at the end of the Third Succession War and seize the planet. Cranston Snord becomes the new First Lord of a new Star League.
Jerome Blake doesn't seize Terra - instead House Kurita does in a surprise assault. With control over ComStar and Terra, it is a battle royale between the rest of the Inner Sphere and the Draconis Combine.
Wolverines Triumphant. Nicholas Kerensky is killed while fighting the Wolverines. The Clans morph into a more benevolent society as Kerensky's extreme weirdness is stripped away. The caste system is dissolved. The Clans become a unified peoples, still militaristic, but not so Klingon-ish. When they do invade the Inner Sphere, there's no bargaining…it's all out war.
What if the scientist caste was on top in the Clan heirarchy? Rather than the Warriors, the scientists rule the Clans. Technology leaps ahead centuries by the time of the invasion. Bio-BattleMechs and stuff. Nastier weapons. Uber-Tech.
The Smoke Jaguars win against the Star League. Victor's head is held in Osis's hands before the Clans. The Nova Cats get VERY nervous as a result of their betrayal.
The Nova Cats have a vision about giant Chicken aliens invading the Inner Sphere. Everyone laughs at them.
House Marik wipes out Wolf's Dragoons as Joshua Marik takes the throne of the Free Worlds League. He picks apart the loot from the Dragoons and uses it to rebuild the League into THE major force in the Inner Sphere. He also figures out where the Dragoons came from and prepared his nation, but not the others, for the eventual invasion.
Katrina takes X as a mate. X = Kahn Ward, Thomas Marik, Lincoln Osis, Archer Christifori, or Sun-Tzu Liao.
The Knights of the Inner Sphere put on the play Spamalot II.
What if we never changed the universe? So a company of patchwork 'Mech defend an entire planet. No factories, no regiments, and big merc units numbered twelve dudes and skimpily clad dudettes with 'Mechs. Ice ships, pirates, and salvage means staying in the fight.
One word: Cylons.
ComStar's network becomes self-aware and renames itself "Skynet." Short android copies of Victor Steiner Davion are sent out to kill the leaders of the Inner Sphere. (I have to admit, I'm still fleshing this idea out, but you get the idea.)
Kahn Ward loses his arm in battle and Clan scientists replace it with a chainsaw appendage.
All MechWarriors in the universe have the "Ghost 'Mech" capability that Morgan Kell demonstrated, and they use it a lot.
The Word of Blake comes across a planet inhabited by giant intelligent chickens. They use cybernetic implants on these creatures creating the Manei Cluckini, an army of killer chickens.
"Everybody on Exodus…be back in one hour." Kerensky wasn't the only one to go on the Exodus. All of the major houses send out forces into the Periphery to create empires they might need someday. Each of these mini-Exodus's cuts ties to their home governments during the Succession Wars and all come back as unique distinct cultures to invade the Inner Sphere.
Richard Cameron sees right through Amaris and pops him with his laser before the coup unfolds. The coup never happens and Rim Worlds League is laid waste as a result of Kerensky learning of their deception.
Rather than fight a bloody Civil War, Victor has Katherine assassinated. The Federated Commonwealth remains intact going through the Dark Ages.
What if Kerensky came home sooner? Rather than the civil war that led to the Clans, the SLDF remained intact and prospered. In Kerensky's lifetime they came back to the Inner Sphere on a war to reestablish the Star League. But instead of arriving in 3050, they come a century or two earlier.
‘Mechs invade Endor. While not a viable idea, I like the idea of crushing Ewoks.
Three words: Battlefield Nuclear Weapons. Not as optional - as standard equipment.
The Succession Wars don't happen. Hell, Terra was pretty trashed anyway. Why fight for control of the Hegemony worlds? When the Clans arrive they find house governments with massive militaries that had not been battered by three centuries of warfare. Surprise!
Daleks invade the Free Worlds League! A little Dalek-on-'Mech action would be fun. Question: How many points does a toilet plunger ray gun do? Answer: 5 but the range sucks.
The arrival of Wolf's Dragoons results in their immediate attack and destruction. The Inner Sphere learns of the Clans from their databases and sets off to attack the Clans first (or better yet, feeds them misinformation about the Inner Sphere prior to their own invasion.)
House Ward is part of Clan Wolverine. Phelan Kell tells the Wolves that capture him that he carries the Ward bloodline in his veins…and they kill him.
Return to suggested Clan Names That Didn’t Make It Past The First Cut: Turkey Baster, Iron Scrotum, Killer Sloth, Pregnant Hamster, Viper-Poodle, Pap-Smear, Smoke Stoner, Jade Prostate, Mammoth Shrimp, Amorous Armadillo, Snow-Weasel, Emerald Ball-Crusher, Pink Flamingo, Black Hemorrhoid, Fire Frogs, Azure Zit, and Rabid Monkey.
Instead of building NAIS, House Davion builds a ‘Death Star.’ (Imagine me doing the quotes in the air like Dr. Evil and it’s funnier…)
FASA buys Steve Jackson games and introduces Ogres against BattleMechs. (Somehow I picture House Marik fielding a lot of these – go figure.)
We introduce a Wave-Motion Gun for ‘Mechs and Spaceships. Let’s face it, you wish you’d come up with that.
And finally…Adam Steiner from the TV Series becomes Archon! What? What do you mean we did that? WTF? Huh? It was mentioned in one of my books? Aw crudstunk…
PS. If you believe any of this, Google the definition of April Fool’s Day.